Reductive Whitening SYSTEM BPEL
1. Fibers not whitening and whitening groups formed attendants in the lignin they are modified chemically so as to reduce the light absorption. (oxidative whitening)
2. Coloring elimination.
12% Borohidruro de Sodio Técnico
40% Hidróxido de Sodio bajo contenido de
Solución líquida Bisulfito de Sodio al 38-40%
Grado técnico estándar
Producto líquido estabilizado
Fortificado con sales de fosfonato
Reductive Whitening
▪ recommended application spots.
Pulp lines that possess scatters or mixing equipment for medium consistency.
▪ Both products are reducing agents.
The Bisupel 3011 its weak.
The Bisupel 2810 its strong.
▪ The BPEL system in contact whit cells, produce some sodium hydrosulfate. The mixture of this 3 reducing agents works synergistically giving a better result of whitening than any other agent acting individually.
NaBH4 + 8nAhs03
Sodium borohydride + sodium bisulfate
Na2S2O4 + NaBO2 + 6H2O
Hidrosulfito de sodio + Metaborato de sodio + Agua
Dose and Recommendation Application
▪ medium or high consistency application points such as the machine of the pool pump or dispenser and usually recommended for applications.
▪ Temperaturas de la pulpa > de 60 °C incrementan la eficiencia de blanqueo y elimina el colorante en la fibra reciclada.
▪ pulp PH before applying it on the BPEL system it has to be in moderate ranges, acid-alkaline (6.5-9)
Flow Chart
▪ eliminates chemical manipulation in powder.
▪ Does not require units of logical dissolution.
▪ Eliminates the requirement of caustic soda. 30-35% in reduction of shipment.
▪ Lower cost of application.
▪ Flexibility in the use facing changes if furnish.
Synergistic Effects
▪ Decorates a wide range of coloring presented in the recycling material.
▪ It allows the use of paper of inferior quality.
▪ Effective ahead of wide variations of the process conditions.
▪ Improvements in security and manipulation vs. conventional technology.
▪ Easy operation system.