Innovating Solutions
for the Production
We are the leading national supplier of chemical products for the industry of paper and carton. Our innovative solution helps offer the highest quality to the manufactures of paper as well as increasing the productivity mean while reducing the total costs of the operations. We are attendants in all stages of manufacturing.
Increasing the efficient of the machinery through functional products and the coating that increase the aspect and performance of paper and carton finishes. Our clients work in a high competitive market. So as to help them differentiate now and in the future, we are commit with innovation in products, services and extensions.
Adhesives in dose
Prosize Line
Its ionic connectivity allows the reduction in the use of aluminum sulphate and or PAC, Being able to develop optimal levels of adhesives in rages of PG comprise between 4.8 and 5.8.
Specially recommended for the development of a wide variety of paper in acid systems in the absence of calcium carbonate as mineral charge.
New Size Line
Reactive adhesives on basis of speeding Alkyl Ketene Dimer( AKD ). His wide range of products with different solid content, type and intensity of cationic chare it enables to adapt each specific need of fabrication system. Recommended in the development of a wide range of paper beneath neutral / alkalis (PH 7/8) system.
Asize Line
Reactive adhesives on basis of alkenyl succinic anhydride (ASA). Their different molecular and/or chamber ramification weight, allows the adaptation to the needs of each fabrication system using cationic starches or synthetic products such as our assize carrier 10.
Adhesives in Surfaces
Surfsize Line
Synthetic superficial adhesives based on an anionic aqueous dispersion of a styrene/acrylic copolymer for the paper and carton industry. Application on adhesives presses in combination with starch or water, kettles or stuccodores. Recommended for a high requirement quality of printing and writing paper (pH 7/8).
PAM polymers with anionic/cationic charge, with molecular weight medium, high or ultra-high. Recommended for paper, board industry and waste water treatments. Use at paper machines, gives a better retention, drainage and flocculation of fines and charges obtaining better properties of resistance, sheet formation, and runnability (fixing pitch and stickies – preventing deposits).
Mn, Cu and Ca ions avenger, improves efficiency of hydrogen Peroxide at the bleaching sage of pulp. Inhibitors and modifiers of inorganic scale such as barium sulphate, oxalates and carbonates. Recommended at washing and bleaching stages.
Propel FCX
Aqueous emulsion of mix aliphatic hydroxides. The high efficiency defoamer effect on the mass will provide better dewatering on the formation wire, giving an excellent formation of paper. Develop specially for machine paper and bleaching stage. Can be use on any type of pulps and PH ranges.
Propel FCS
Aqueous base defoamer develop under silicones new technology. This emulsion has a great performance on brown stock washers and bleaching stage. Has a great defoamer performance given excellent sheet formation and drainage. Highly recommended as process aid at washer pulp stage.
PR Products
Polymeric products which works modifying inorganic scale crystals and inhibiting scale growing such as barium sulphate and others in paper machines.
RS Line
Polymer on basis of PAM cationic with PM media high, really high. Recommended to encourage resistance, drain, flotation and wastewater treatment in process of paper with high efficiency in a media of high conductivity. Increasing the resistance properties, the paper/formation of sheets/ runnability (fixation of pitch and sticky) and prevention of deposits.
RH Products
High efficiency cationic resins which promote wet strengths under acid or alkaline conditions. Recommended to neutralize anionic trash, retention aid and drainage. Efficient under pH from 4.5 to 9. Best results are obtained between 6.5 and 8.5 pH value. Must be added at high consistency stock.
RD Products
It allows a better optimization of clarifying and recovery of chemicals process avoiding scale deposition at recovery boilers and evaporating process. They are formulated combining coagulants (natural or synthetic) flocculants of different ionic charges and molecular weights to adapt to the different needs of each process of pH and temperature.
RD Products
Allows optimization at the stage post calcination in rotary ovens. They are formulated combining coagulants (natural or synthetic) flocculants of different ionic charges and molecular weights to adapt to drainage conditions of washing filter.
DiperPEL Products
These products have been develop to disperse contaminates at the stock such as tar, paraffin’s and ink stickles. Excellent to disperse pitch at brown stock washers. Makes easy the disaggregation of recycle pulp and help to push down pulper time without foaming formation.
Latex SB Product
Styrene – butadiene co-polymer aqueous dispersion. Latex recommended for paper and board coating. Use mainly as coating offset paper.
We developed a new adhesive Prosize / Newsize . We improved the performance of the machinery product and benefit/cost ratio.
New technologies on adhesives for paper and carton Newsize –Prosize
Adhesives on basis of AKD or Rosin Resin.
Application: pulp and paper
Main target: improve efficiency and performance.
Application: Pulp and paper
Main target: increase resistance and less refining physical properties of paper.
Energy reduction.
Low costs.
Replacement products for anthraquinone
Application: pulp and paper
main target: replacement of anthraquinone.
Environmental care.